Stanley Cup Playoffs


Stanley Cup Playoffs

It’s that time again.. The NHL playoffs are on and I swear at night I can’t get anything done especially when my team, the Anaheim Ducks, are in it.. Every game I watch even when the Ducks aren’t playing I wonder how the hell more people do not watch hockey. It’s fast.. It’s brutal.. And it’s edge of your seat every game… I love it.

I try watching as many games as I can, but now I have had to mute my TV and turn on the Ducks radio feed or listen to the Canadian feed to get unbiased announcers. I haven’t figured out what the Ducks have to do to get the respect of these horrible announcers, because no matter what they do or how they win it’s always because the other team screwed up.

I will admit they have played pretty inconsistent this series against the Oilers, but Sunday nights game they kicked mucho ass. Hopefully they will continue that style of play.

I have ben watching so much hockey that my book writing is going a little slower than I anticipated, but I am still shooting for the July deadline for the rough draft to be finished. I have a couple working titles, but we will see how it shakes out once the rough draft is finished.

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