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Digital Marketing Part 2

It’s important for business owners to understand how digital marketing works so that they can make decisions about their digital marketing campaigns. The key to understanding how it all works is getting to know each element of digital marketing and recognizing how each can help you...

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Why You or Your Band Needs Your Own Website Part 2

Today we continue from our previous post about Why Your Band Needs Your Own Website. You can find part 1 here. 1. You can do everything with it Your social media profiles and other outposts might be good places for alternative or additional methods of ‘first contact’ –...

under construction

Why You or Your Band Needs Your Own Website

There are so many things to cover on this topic that I decided to break this down into 2 separate blogs. Since I have designed a number of websites for bands, and musicians I thought it was time to break out the reasons why having a...

bryan shaw store

All New Site

Finally. The time and effort put into this redesign was well worth it. Initially I thought this was going to take me about 24 hours to complete, but I couldn't have been more wrong. The final tally was about 2 weeks. This was of course...