Advantages of Using Social Media in Your Marketing Campaigns

social media marketing

Advantages of Using Social Media in Your Marketing Campaigns

by - Bryan Shaw:

There are many advantages of using social media for promoting both your online or offline products and services.

  • It’s a fast way to spread the word – If you have a big fan base, you can tweet or post on Facebook and your message can instantly go to thousands of users around the World. Social media is actually faster than TV and radio to make an announcement or spread your message.
  • It’s good for SEO – There are more and more signs that social signals are used for ranking purposes by both Google and Bing. Properly defined social profiles can also boost SEO.
  • It’s a trend – Social media is a trend you cannot ignore if you want to stay close to your customers and in synch with the latest developments in marketing.
  • It’s one of the ways to interact with your customers and find out what they want – With social media your customers can show that they like a product or piece of content by voting (Like, Tweet, +1) , commenting and sharing. As a marketer you can analyze these statistics, talk with your customers and find out how to make your products, content or services better.

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